Where Do You Eat Yours?

mountain with walker

Mountain House meals are probably some of the most well-travelled meals in the whole world. We often hear from customers who’ve been adventuring far and wide to fulfill their wildest dreams and tackle the wilderness.

We’re now wondering exactly which corners of the globe Mountain House meals have been consumed in or rather, which ones they haven’t! Have they accompanied you along mountain tops and through treacherous deserts? Or perhaps they’ve kept you going underneath beautiful waterfalls and trekking through rainforests?

We’d like to hear from all first-time adventurers and those outdoor professionals amongst you to find out a little more about where your Mountain House meals have taken you. Please feel free to send us pictures and information from your excursions and you may even see yourself on the website for all to see.

There’s no trip too small, so why not share your experiences? We hope to hear from you soon and happy travels!

Send your story to sales@europeanfreezedry.live.com, we may even send you a meal to say thank you!